Friday 6 November 2015

Weekly production

For this weeks weekly production meeting we discussed the location of where we were going to film, at first we wanted to use someone's house but we couldn't get hold of anybody willing forehence we next decided to film on the first sofa when we enter the 3rd floor of sixth form but we realised we could not turn the lights off therefore it would be inconvenient for us to show the female character watching tv so we changed locations once again to the sofas next to the kitchen which we got permission of Mr Wilson and the lighting is perfect. Filming in the sixth form mean that there might be a lot of noise constraints such as traffic from people walking by but however this will ensure us that we will get the best out of lessons since the filming location is on campus meaning that we have more time to perfect each shot. Nonetheless if this doesn't work out we can still choose to change locations.

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