Friday 6 November 2015

weeekly 3

This weeks production meeting we discussed the availability of our actors, at first we was going to use Ibrahim as the male actor in our film but his time schedule didn't fit in with ours therefore we are going to use Omario in year 13 because he is able to make the schedule. We also discussed the most suited camera angle for our film, we are going to shoot in a high angle in relation to the superiority of the male character towards the female. We are going to prioritise the female character by focusing the camera most of the time on the facial expressions or whatever shots needed at most time compared to showing the male character to a minimum, by doing this it puts the audience in the shoes of the main character as she is abused by the male character, this portrays that the female is scared to look directly in the males eyes. We plan to follow our storyboard, and each box would be 1-2 scenes which will last approximately 20 seconds.

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