Sunday 1 November 2015

Unit 22 Genre

Science fiction films uses speculative and science based depictions of phenomena’s that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life, often alongside with futuristic elements such as spacecrafts and robots. 

Therefore the codes and conventions within science fiction films would undoubtedly included science and technology. Science fiction films often focuses on political and social issues

Codes and Convention in science fiction
- Set in future
- Aliens worlds
- Time travels- travelling backwards and forwards through time has always been a popular in science fiction film
- Spacecrafts and robots
- Imaginative settings
- Alien abductions
- Galactic Empires that oppress everything
- Conflicts between alien and human
- The concept of extraterrestrial life is a popular convention in science fiction films, where the aliens are seen as a threat to the human race

The science fiction film genre has long been a tool for discussing controversial topics and issues, and providing us with thoughtful social commentary on potential unforeseen future issues.

The presentation of issues that are disturbing to an audience can be made more acceptable when they are explored in a future setting or on a different earth like world, and by keeping us entertained by using advanced technology such as CGI and special effects. 
The altered context can allow for deeper examination and reflection of the ideas presented, with the perspective of a viewer watching remote events.

Most controversial issues in science fiction films tend to fall into two general story lines, Utopian or dystopian. Either a society will become better or worse in the future. 

Period Drama:

This genre relies heavily on mise-en-scene, the costumes, props and lighting and setting are key to making a period drama look convincing of the era it is set in. If the film is set in say Victorian era the props has to resemble that era in some way for example having victorian architecture and not something like a electronic cupboard in the set.

Period drama usually has a lot of drama in it therefore most of the time it is a series which may leave cliffhangers after each episode. 

Period drama is usually set between 1800 to 1900, during that period males were the dominant ones and therefore a feministic narrative stereotype were set in place and woman framed as objects for desires such as for the male gaze.

A period drama 

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