Tuesday 20 October 2015

series serial

Marvel agents of Shield, Doctor Who. (Drama, Sci-Fi)
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Benefit for series:

An audience can get to a conclusive opinion on whether they like the style or plot of the film quicker rather then watching a serial and becoming unsatisfied with the ending,
Each episode is different therefore new viewers can understand the story better than a serial and audiences can watch a series off an on and doesn't require consistent viewing.
Example of a popular Series would be Doctor Who, where each episode the doctor deals with a new problem or fights a new alien, a benefit of this for the audience would be through the repetition and difference theory which satisfies the audience by consistently defeat or overcoming an alien/monster episode after episode whereas this doesn't apply to a serial.

However some may complain that in a series the plot may get repetitive for example winning every time and this does not create tension or a climate for the audience therefore after a while the audience may become bored, comparing this to serial no characters are safe and certain characters risk death because of this uncertainty the audience may become more involved in the film in ways such as tweeting about a characters death in agony which may lead to social interaction of others.

Supergirl, The flash (Action)
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A serial allows the audience to gain a better insight on particular characters, this allows the director to prolong the program giving back stories to certain characters which may allow audiences to understand them more on a personal level which could lead also to personal identification such as reinforcing personal values. Furthermore it allows the audience to be behind the character each week watching them develop through each episode.
A example of a popular serial would be Eastenders, this has been ongoing every week for centuries, there is usually no specific plot but audience follows events that happen such as Affairs, murders and what a serial allows an audience to do is to predict the killer and their opinions on characters may change week after week so this allows the audience to become more engaged as active audiences.
Eastenders also has holiday specials such as halloween, Christmas where events may happen such as  a woman's baby got stolen in the halloween special this past year this allows the content to become more intriguing towards the audience and with the relevance of the holiday it can be a little different such as more tense and scary atmosphere in these episodes.

One off dramas:
The unloved, Doctor Who,
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 One off specials usually tend to last longer this means the audience is able familiarize with the characters more, and the episode is to do with the changing of the season. One off specials especially for christmas, something exciting is always in store for the audience so that keeps the audience impatient to know what will happen in that episode as well this provides an opportunity to change up its narrative, for a programme that people love but changing it up a little may be something the audience may not have seen before which makes a special therefore leading to social Interaction by speaking to family and friends about it.

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