Sunday, 1 November 2015

Unit 1 - A1 - Legal Issues and Regulation

BBFC carries the job role of regulating each film and classifying certain age ranges, U, PG, 12A, 15, and 18. The decisions made are based on four sub categories which include Sex & Nudity, Taste & decency, bad language, and violence. BBFC decisions can also be influenced by the general public which helps decide upon which age rating a certain film should be.
Example of BBFC in action is the Ban of Love Camp 7 in 1969 where it proclaims Nazi Exploitation.

ASA is a independent media regulator also known as Advertising Standards Authority which carries the role of regulating adverts making it suitable for people in the UK. Age/time comes in play and certain ads are only showed after 8pm/ 9pm because of the suitability of the audiences. ASA monitors ads to check the codes are conduit is being followed.ASA recently banned a strongbow advert for suggesting that alcohol is as important as a relationship.

OFCOM is another independent regulator working in the UK which specialises in communications such as community radios. OFCOM also offers help with TV and broadband and other services. Example of OFCOM in action is the ban of an advert because it contained bad language which could of caused serious offence. Link of article below:

BECTU is a trade union which provides help and advice for independent workers so they do not feel insecure as they work under a employer or independently. It is important because it provides workers with the fee to pay for court if they are supposing fired or sued.

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